Hare Krishna!
Articles and News
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya, university preaching in the United Kingdom has reached spectacular new levels! From the start of this academic year, Krishna has allowed us to have 30 Krishna Consciousness Socieies (KC Socs) across the country, the largest number to date! KC Socs up and down the country run […]
The 20th Anniversary celebration took place on the 12th April at Bhaktivedanta Manor from 5pm onwards. It was an evening of historic pastimes from the original members of Pandava Sena, the stalwarts that headed up the campaign to ‘Save the Manor’, and many other special people who had incredible memories of Pandava Sena in its […]
Over 100 Students attended the “2012: Will you be a winner?†University Retreat on a bright and sunny February day! The KC Soc group comprises over 20 Universities and top schools across the country – and are growing!! At the ‘2012’ Olympic styled Retreat in February, students from as far as Plymouth, Southampton, Coventry, Aston, […]
Krishna Consciousness Societies (‘KC Socs’) are run by members of the ISKCON Pandava Sena (IPS) youth group at 20 universities across the country. With weekly interactive discussions on diverse topics, students experience dynamic presentations, topical debates and the singing and chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, all rounded off with a mini-feast of sanctified vegetarian […]
Jaanki Govindia speaks to recently appointed Harrow Jammin coordinator Sahil Agarwal on his new role. Jammins take place in several places in and around London as well as in Birmingham and Leicester. See website for more details. www.psena.com
Youth Club Since the beginning of June 1999 we have started a youth group at the temple. It is held on alternate Sundays, from 4 to 6. We start by singing a couple of bhajans, followed by a discussion on the topic we are studying. After that, the 10 offences are repeated and the whole […]
With festivals, everyone gets stuck in to put on a show that will leave you feeling blissful from the great kirtan (spiritual music), intrigued by the interactive discussions, overweight from the culinary delights and altogether mesmerised! The festivals are generally coordinated by the temples at which IPS has bases: Bhaktivedanta Manor (Watford), Birmingham, Leicester, or […]
Curious about spirituality but tired of religious dogma? Inquisitive about God and what the supreme personality may be like? Looking for a solution to the frustration experienced in this world? Wondering if ancient wisdom has anything relevant to say about life today? Persuaded by science and opposed to blind faith? ISKCON Pandava Sena (IPS) is […]
A ‘spiritual youth group’? What does that mean? What do you get up to? Do you sit on the floor of a temple and recite chants for hours and deprive yourselves of food, water and sleep? Not quite. We get up to all sorts. Our annual summer trips take more than a hundred of us […]
Parasuram das: We are looking for volunteers to help cook the greatest feast ever for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath and his devotees. Volunteers are needed all day Saturday chopping veg and all night cooking Saturday night/Sunday morning. There is a special gift for all those who help, Srila Prabhupada’s blessings! The Narada Purana (uttara […]
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