Hare Krishna!
Articles and News
Page added on April 15, 2014
Lord Jagannath’s Rathyatra Festival of the Chariots was part of the 46th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Parade. Preparations began in the early hours of the morning in the midst of heavy pouring rain. Just as Mother Yadunandana’s effulgent Lords Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra were being placed on the cart, it was as if the Lord’s smiles had pushed aside the clouds to allow the sun to welcome the Lord of the Universe on Their magnificent chariot.
This Rathyatra was unique in that The Mayapuris, with Visvambhara and Bali, arranged a lively coordinated Kirtan group while The Bhakti Dancers with Anapayani, and The Temple Dancers, with Gangi had choreographed a cultural performance while dancing to the rhythm of the Mayapuris kirtan throughout the whole parade route. All the participants wore flowing devotional dress in whites, reds and yellows; and each had a bright Harinama Chadda draped around them.
Our colorful presentation was very well received by the audience of thousands who enthusiastically waved, danced and gave us many smiles and thumbs-up as we danced by. The float that pulled the Lords’ Chariot was covered in a beautiful bouquet of leaves and flowers and featured a huge 9 foot high Lord Chaitanya, all designed by Luz Marina. The whole Rathyatra presentation was awe inspiring for the participants as well as the observers.
We especially appreciate Dharmaraj and his family for arranging the gorgeous Rath cart. We also express our gratitude to all the enlivened youth of Alachua and to the Rathyatra Coordinator, Bhadra das. All together they made this an amazing cooperative transcendental event.
Vegetarianism, Retreats and more
Can a vegetarian diet improve or restore health?
Since the 1960s, scientists have suspected that a meat-based diet is somehow related to the development of arteriosclerosis and heart disease.
Lake Island Retreats
Discover your relationship with your body, mind and soul. Includes Yoga, meditation, massage options, walking and Eastern philosophy.
Hare Krishna Island
The island is 7 miles from Belturbet in north Co. Cavan and 7 miles from Lisnaskea in south Co. Fermanagh
Cooking for the London Rathayatra 16th June 2019Parasuram das: We are looking for volunteers to help cook the greatest feast ever for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath and his devotees. Volunteers are needed all day Saturday chopping veg and all night cooking Saturday night/Sunday morning. There is a special gift for all those who help, Srila Prabhupada’s blessings! The Narada Purana (uttara […]
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