Page added on October 14, 2016

Second ISKCON UK National Convention takes place

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Mina Sharma – ISKCON UK National Head of Media and Communications

On Saturday 1st October, the second ISKCON National Convention took place at the newly renovated temple in Leicester, bringing together over a hundred devotees from across the UK.

Organised to promote one UK yatra, and encourage a mood of unity, cooperation, trust and positive communication between devotees, there was opportunity to hear from a variety of leaders from across the UK. Presentations were delivered on a number of topics, including book distribution, how to grow your congregation, end of life care, deity worship, kirtan and devotee care. A special video update from all UK temples was also shown, which featured updates of outstanding events that have taken place over the past year.

As part of the National office devotee care programme, a new partnership to facilitate devotees’ flights to India has been set up between Air India and Southall Travel. Devotees will have access to a direct ISKCON travel desk for their booking with Southall Travel for reduced rates on Air India, and TOVP Silver patrons to Trustee patrons can also take advantage of the added destination management in Mayapur by the TOVP donor members team.

One of the highlights of the day was an awards ceremony to recognise outstanding contributions from devotees throughout the UK. The following awards were made:

First ISKCON UK National Award Results

ISKCON Leicester

Janaki Devi dasi and Mohan Das – (joint) for their contribution to festivals both logistics and creative (dramas/videos) in Leicester for the last 20 years and Mohan Prabhu, something he has done all his life.

Antardwip das for his development of Mayapur TV into a multi channel service to ISKCON worldwide.

Jayati Radhika dasi for her kitchen service despite ill health for the last 15 years.

ISKCON Ireland

Nitai Sacinandana das He has served the Irish Yatra for nearly 40 years as a lifelong brahmacari in a most exemplary way.

ISKCON Scotland

Jagannatha Priya devi dasi – in the category of outstanding responsibility as head pujari for the past 7 years.

Adhoksaja Krishna das – as sankirtan leader. He has been doing the service of sankirtan since he joined 34 years ago.

Raghunatha Bhatta das – as frontline preacher, always working to improve and develop outreach and cultivation of those people contacted through the various outreach programs, (especially youth and students).

ISKCON Birmingham

Nitai Kirtan dasa : He has been doing University Preaching, congregational preaching and Bhakti Vriksha for long time.

Mayapur Madhava Dasa: He has been organising the 24hr Kirtan and

Jagannath Rathayatra for long time.

Bhakti Sejal Jina: She has been doing accounts and finance for a long time very efficiently despite having a full time job.

ISKCON Manchester

No nominations

ISKCON Newcastle

Ramai das and Vrinda devi dasi They are a husband and wife team and for many years have been real pillars of the Temple and the community.

Caitanya Vallabha das – Outstanding service for overall preaching inspiration and book distribution.


Misrani devi dasi

Premarasa das

Bhakta Adam

ISKCON South London

Jayant devi dasi – for unbroken service from the beginning of the temple till now.

Ganga devi dasi for her tireless work on festivals arranging flowers and making garlands.

Dinamani das for his heroic pujari service to the deities and for his generosity and flexibility

ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor

Devaki Devi Dasi – for her outstanding service in promoting ISKCON’s 50th anniversary

Narayan Das, for most enthusiastic and hardworking newcomer

Radha Govinda for Krishna Wisdom – an innovative and successful western outreach program.

ISKCON London & the Southeast


Nandini Rasika devi dasi & Mukunda Kishore das – for service to ISKCON Closet Krishna – Rochester

Bhakta Jeegnesh Nayee – for service to ISKCON Bhakti Yoga Centre – Crawley

Lochan dasa Thakhur dasa – for service to ISKCON Brighton


Murli Manohara dasa – for outstanding dedication to serving Sri Sri

Radha-Londonisvara for so many years

Vimala devi dasi – for outstanding dedication to serving Sri Sri

Radha-Londonisvara for so many years

Ramashakti devi dasi – for outstanding dedication to serving Sri Sri

Radha-Londonisvara for so many years

They are all pujaris who have served here for at least 25 years plus.

SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS for Extraordinary service to the success of ISKCON in UK

Premamayi Saci devi dasi – for unbroken long service to the National office

Innovative & Inspirational Kirtan Award – Bhaktin Jahnavi & the Mantra Lounge Team

Innovative & Inspirational Food Distribution Award – Parasurama Das

Life time Achievement Award – Kalangana Devi Dasi

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