Page added on December 12, 2009

The secret is out

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The true glory of any civilization and culture lies not only in the majestic set up, elegant accomplishments and refined customs but indeed in the form of deep wisdom which it offers the world. The ancient teachings of the Vedas remained unknown to the mass of people for centuries. Contemporary teachers, however, began racking their brains as to how the whole world could benefit from these timeless words of wisdom. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada made this his life meditation.

One of his most amazing achievements was to translate and publish these scriptures in hundreds of different languages. Ancient classics like Bhagavad-gita have illuminated, inspired and changed peoples lives all over the world. They truly penetrate the heart and present fresh perspectives towards life.

‘Veda: Secrets from the East’ is the latest publication by the Bhativedanta Book Trust. It is an anthology of conversations, articles and transcribed lectures which show the amazing relevance of ancient wisdom in modern times. Pick up a copy by emailing me, alternatively hang around your local town centre over the next month and you may well bump into a traveling monk distributing them! I’m off in 15 minutes for a one-month tour of the country. My travel plan: Norwich, Ipswich, Bury, Cambridge, Leicester, Nottingham, Northapmton, Derby, Loughborough and many more… (blog may be a bit quiet 🙂

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