Presentations Available to Schools
ISKCON Educational Service staffs are trained in giving presentations on all aspects of Hinduism, either from a broad perspective or from our own standpoint within the tradition. Whether we are hosting you at our temple or visiting your school, our teaching programmes are tailor-made to suit your specific requirements.

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Presentations to Secondary Schools/Colleges/Universities

Opportunities available

As representatives of ISKCON Educational Services, we offer the following services to schools:

Temple visits or providing a guest visitor to your school

Discussions on Vedic (Hindu) culture and Philosophy. Thought provoking, stimulating even challenging! Clear explanations of a wide range of subjects including: brahman, atma, karma, reincarnation, moksha, samskaras (birth, marriage, etc.), caste system, ISKCON (history, development & lifestyle), puja, Deities, prashad etc. Presentations appropriately pitched with games and teaching aids for lower secondary pupils and stimulating philosophical debate for older students.


Social issues, morality & ethics. Question and answer sessions at the end.
Demonstration of the traditional arati ceremony, worship as practiced by Hindus.
Playing of Indian musical instruments.
Workshops: e.g. dressing up, making garlands, mock weddings etc.
Prashad: traditional vegetarian lunch (temple only) or sample of food.
Temple shop offering a variety of souvenirs and artefacts for both students and teachers.
Assemblies. Lively and relevant talks on topic or theme of your choice.

INSET/Initial Teacher Training
Please contact us for more details (see below)

Service Charges

ISKCON Educational Services aims to both support your teaching and maintain our own work in religious, moral & multicultural education. In certain circumstances we can make concessions, e.g. when the RE budget is very low or when we are visiting a distant school and the travel expenses are unusually high. Please feel free to discuss these matters with us.

All charges are subject to VAT@ 17.5%

Visits to the temple

Without lunch £1.50-£3.00 per head depending on details
With lunch £3.50-£5.00 per head depending on details *

* Very minimum for groups under 30: - £4.00; under 20: - £5 per head

Visits to your school

Travel expenses: by car; 50p/mile or by public transport: refund of tickets etc
£25 - £30 per session (usually 45 - 60 min.) depending on details.


Please contact us for more details

Please make all cheques payable to ISKCON. We offer one month for settling payment, but prefer to do so on the day.


Getting in Touch
If you are interested, then please contact:
Kirtida Dasi
ISKCON (Newcastle), 304 Westgate Road Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6AR
Tel: 0191 2721911

Books, Artefacts and Resources
 ISKCON Educational Services offers a selection of books and artefacts to help support RE teachers. These are available through mail order. Please ring for more details on 0191 272 1911

Atma yoga
Yoga in Krishna Consciousness. Class starting soon. Join now.