Sponsor a Festival |
We would like to have a special festival once a month as one of our Sunday love Feasts. This includes a guests speaker, drama, music and an opulent feast.
The costs involved are £70.00 (travel expenses for the guest speaker), £ 60.00 (feast ingredients)
and £ 40.00(flowers for the altar).
A total cost of £170.00 for a festival.
We welcome you to accept our invitation to become a Patron of the temple.
Your invaluable service of contributing monthly by direct debit will assist the running of the temple. Our patrons receive regular correspondence and reports on the work and progress of the temple. In Gita it is stated, "There is no servant more dear than he who preaches My glories, nor will there ever be one so dear." So by serving and contributing to temple's work, you will be blessed with special mercy from the Lord and thus, we hope, your spiritual growth will be increased day by day.
Krishan Prabhu offering flower garland to Srila Prabhupada
Temple Volunteers consists of members of all age groups. And the volunteers regularly help with organising festivals and various project work.
It is due to their quality services that the temple is able to organise many successful programs throughout the year
Whether you're a plumber, a carpenter, or an electrician or may be you have some other skills to offer in the service of maintaining Lord Gauranga's temple.
We welcome you to become a volunteer and join in the joyful service of the Lord.
Sponsor a Sunday Feast |
You can sponsor a sunday feast programme by donating £50.
Birthdays, Marriages, Departures can all be sponsored in this way. |
Krishna's kitchen |
Mark preparing for a sunday feast program.