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The courses are mainly based on Vaisnava philosophy.

The course follows the guideline of Theology and Philosophy, a training handbook produced by Manor Training and Education, Bhaktivedanta Manor, England.

Theology is the science of God, says Srila Prabhupada, which means knowing God, His nature, and our relationship to Him.

The three stages of spiritual advancement:

First one has to establish his relationship with God as the eternal servant (sambandha). Then he acts in that relationship (abhidheya), in order to achieve the goal of lifelove for God (prayojana).

The same applies to any relationship. A boy and girl, for example, may want a family. First they meet and establish a relationship. They marry. Then they act in that relationship. And then comes the fruit, children.

Sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana: These are the culmination of the entire Vedanta philosophy, the essence of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the great riches of life.

Another course is based on Vaisnava culture, a training handbook produced by Manor Training and Education, Bhaktivedanta Manor, England.

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