Krishnamrita - The ISKCON NEWCASTLE newsletter winter issue 2005 is out now.

Srimad Bhagavatams
Bhagavatams - in a brand new easy to carry format is available now. A grand set of 30 books.
Order now.


Devotees of the temple offer specially made "Karma free cooking" for Krishna's delight.

Devotees cook using purest of ingredients, high standard of cleanliness and consciousness for Krishna'a pleasure.

Let us cater your next event. All our preparations are offered on the alter to our Deities and the Prasad is then distributed.

On the occasion of a house program or a large formal wedding, let us serve you and your special guests with Krishna Prasadam.

Our menu includes various ethnic cuisines including North and South Indian Dishes, Italian and western style vegetarian cooking, which will suite all range of budgets.

Please call us a week before the program. We'll be happy to hear from you.

Recent Events
 Gita Jayanti: Ranchor Prabhu's talk
Constellation workshops led by Smita Krishna Swami
Filming by media students from Sunderland uni

Atma yoga
Yoga in Krishna Consciousness. Class starting soon.
Contact us to join now.