ISKCON Newcastle A Weekend of Holy Name with HH Janananda Maharaja
Place - Blackton Grange, in the North Penines
Experience a rejuvenating Friday to Sunday with classes, singing, seminars, sumptuous feasts, log fires in a large traditional stone built farmhouse. Based in the heart of the North Pennines, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Blackton Grange is a place full of tranquillity. You will have three delicious vegetarian meals a day, comfortable accommodation, fresh country air, wooded walks and campfire, all in the company of the devotees of Krishna. Adjacent to the Pennine Way, in a tranquil tributary Valley of the River Tees, Blackton Grange nestles deep in the heart of a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Easily accessible from the A1 or M6, Teesdale is home to some of the country's best walking and an abundance of bird life. ISKCON Newcastle invites you to this event where you will have a opportunity to restore spiritual strength and to experience devotional friendship.